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Game News Rent Servers

Firefight Game Mode

Dev Blog
June 22, 2021

Welcome Soldiers!

Our next update arriving this week brings with it a new game mode that is aimed at making server seeding easier and low populated servers more enjoyable. With this in mind our design team have created Firefight, a game mode that will pit two teams against each other in a small-scale battle similar to Frontlines.

Battling over a single sector, teams will need to advance on the area in order to locate the three objectives. Both sides will have 20 minutes to capture objectives and gain as many victory points as possible to determine the winner.

Players have the option to create Command, Infantry and Engineer sections in Firefight, with the smaller battles not requiring support from Artillery and HMG detachments. With this team setup, players will have closer engagements as infantry have the opportunity to move up to the front unhindered.

This brand new game mode arrives with version 0.12 and will make early games and low pop servers more enjoyable, by concentrating players in a smaller and more condensed frontline. Stay posted for Firefight to arrive later this week Soldiers - We'll see you in the trenches!