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Black Lives Matter

Community News
June 5, 2020

Out of respect to the events occurring worldwide, we've decided to postpone our update for this week. We believe that self-promotion in a time of crisis is tasteless and detracts from the attention that these events deserve.

While we understand that we as a team might not have a lot of leverage to make a lasting impact in these situations, we still want to recognize the importance of the protests taking place all over the world. We’re in the early states as a new studio and are still in the process of building up our community, but we want to make it very clear that we also believe Black Lives Matter and abhor police brutality.

As we grow our player base, we want to ensure we are creating an inclusive, welcoming and diverse community. Part of that includes ensuring that racism is not welcome within our spaces. Racism, bigotry and police brutality are humanitarian issues that affect all of us and go beyond ideologies. Inaction will simply continue the cycle of hatred, which is why we must take a stance on this matter.

We stand in solidarity with everyone fighting against injustice. We will do our best to cultivate a community of respect and compassion, in which racism, bigotry, and hatred have no place.

Stay safe.